Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today we did an experiment on DNA

Step 1-  place 1 gram of raw wheat germ in a 50 ml test tube
Step 2- Add 20 ml of hot tap water and constantly mix for 3 minutes
Step 3- Add 1 ml or a scant 1/4 teaspoon of detergent and mix gently every minute for 5 minutes. Try not to create foam
Step 4- remove any foam
Step 5- Tilt test tube at an angle and pour slowly 14 ml of alcohol down the side so it forms a second layer.
Step 6- Let the test tube sit.  White stringy filmy DNA will begin to appear and float to the top.
Step 7- Use wooden stick to collect DNA

When we mixed the wheat and the hot tap water it made a layer that was yellow and kinda thick.  Then we mixed the two and at the end the wheat was at the bottom.  We then poured the alcohol and it made a second layer which was collected the DNA.  The DNA was then at the stop and we were able to collect it.

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