Thursday, March 31, 2011

DNA Sequencing

This past week we figured out the DNA types of three different people Abby Bob and Carol.  What we did was go through their DNA and seperate each of the parts into three.  We compared each of them to the normal control to find out which one was sick.  Each set was seperated into three columns G, C, A, and T.  Once we organized them into three in a group we wrote them down to keep track.  For example GTG.

Different people and their DNA.

Chart where we kept data.

 After we did that we had to figure out the protein of each sequence.  For example GTG would be VAL in protein.  When we figured out the protein the T was represented with a U.

Figured out protein.

After all of this we made a graph and it was to see the percentage difference in Abby, Bob, and Carol.  Abby and Bob's was 97% and Carol's was 58%.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today we did an experiment on DNA

Step 1-  place 1 gram of raw wheat germ in a 50 ml test tube
Step 2- Add 20 ml of hot tap water and constantly mix for 3 minutes
Step 3- Add 1 ml or a scant 1/4 teaspoon of detergent and mix gently every minute for 5 minutes. Try not to create foam
Step 4- remove any foam
Step 5- Tilt test tube at an angle and pour slowly 14 ml of alcohol down the side so it forms a second layer.
Step 6- Let the test tube sit.  White stringy filmy DNA will begin to appear and float to the top.
Step 7- Use wooden stick to collect DNA

When we mixed the wheat and the hot tap water it made a layer that was yellow and kinda thick.  Then we mixed the two and at the end the wheat was at the bottom.  We then poured the alcohol and it made a second layer which was collected the DNA.  The DNA was then at the stop and we were able to collect it.