Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Making A Baby

In the past week we have been doing a lab on making a baby.  Our whole lab was mostly focused on how the baby can get a trait from each parent by a 50/50% chance.  Me and Ashley made a baby and his name was Michael.  What we did was we got a chart and a packet that showed the different traits on it.
Trait Chart
Create A Baby Table
 For example:  The eyebrow size-  Me and Ashley both did not have eyebrows that met so we both had little e's in out genotype.  So we did not have to flip the coin because we both did not have that trait.

For Example: Cheek Freckles-  With freckles Ashley had them and I didn't so that gave her two FF and me ff so we had to flip a coin.  Automatically since she is the mom she would take over a gene which was F.  Since I was the father I had to flip the coin and I flipped tails so that would give me f.  The outcome would be Ff which means the baby would have freckles.

In every outcome we had Ashley would automatically give the baby one of her genotypes since she was the mother.  As the father I would only have 50/50 chance of the baby getting my genotype.  Now if we did or did not have the same trait the baby would most likely get the same exact trait that we both have.

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